Make a Donation

Your support matters

A Tiny Home for Good is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
All contributions are tax exempt.


Looking for other ways to support our work?

Every monetary donation goes directly toward our work to provide permanent housing and support services for individuals and families facing homelessness, but there are other ways you can help!

Own land or a home you no longer want? We can potentially put it to use to house people in need.

Have appliances that are still in good working order? We equip each of our homes with a washer and dryer, full size refrigerator, microwave, hot plate, and coffee pot.

Each home needs plates, bowls, cups, mugs, silverware, pillows, bedding, towels. All the small items that make day-to-day living comfortable.

Have a vehicle that’s in decent condition? We can put it to work allowing our growing staff to transport tenants.

Our tenants tend to move in with very little, so we fully furnish each home. We accept a variety of kitchen, living and bedroom furniture.

Even more ways to support

Donate stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and take advantage of tax benefits. Contact us for more information.

Invite us to speak, or put your passion to work and donate the proceeds to A Tiny Home for Good.

Help us get our name out there and look good doing it with an apparel purchase.

We are grateful for all the ways this community contributes to housing those in need. Thank you for your continued support! Click the button below to send us a note if you have a question about donations.